Sunday, June 20, 2010

11 - June 20, 2010

Initial Impressions
Christopher Setterlund

June 20, 2010

1.      So I spent nearly 72 hours without television in my new place, tried everything possible to get the cable to work.  Turns out that I had the TV hooked into a cable outlet that had no power, that made me feel really smart.
2.      I find it humorous that a 50-something man from Haiti who speaks almost no English, and a 50-something man from Brazil who speaks almost no English can somehow carry on hours of conversation.  What the hell do they say?  No. Yes. Busy. No good.  Stimulating.
3.      Am starting to believe that mosquitoes plan their days around when I will be getting in and out of my car at my new place.  They come out of nowhere when I hit the car, maybe there are alarms going off at their nests with me on a big screen.
4.      Today I was trying to get the Italy/New Zealand World Cup game on TV at work.  Messed around with the remote but got no picture on the screen.  Finally figured it out and got a picture, it was the On Demand porn section.  Being guys of course we checked out all the titles, but I stopped short of ordering when I realized even though they agreed the guys would point the finger at me as the trigger man.
5.      It is incredible that we have reached the point where all of the 80’s movies and television are being remade. Transformers, A-Team, Karate Kid, Smurfs, Fraggle Rock, Thundercats, GI Joe, and now Pac Man.  Feel like I am 8 years old again, but the Mannequin remake, uh we can do without that.
6.      Which would you rather have to deal with pollen or humidity?  Man I’d settle for 60 degrees and pollen rather than clear air 85 and sticky.
7.      You need to exercise great patience and be willing to wait for something you really want.
8.      I know that the beaches become free again sometime after 5, but when do these gate keepers arrive in the morning?  I mean if I got there before them there’s nothing they could do, right?  I am going to go to the beach at 6am and see who’s there.
9.      So I woke up after the disappointing end to the Celtics Game 7 and suddenly realized the Red Sox have the 3rd best record in baseball.  Guess the stories of them being dead and buried were false.
10.  Heard Don McLean’s ‘American Pie’ today, just have to wonder how you follow up a song that ends up being one of the most famous ever?  Should you just retire, or make inferior music and damage your rep?
11.  Wishing a Happy Father’s Day to my Dad, Jack, my Grampa, Sully, and my stepdad, Serpa. 
Maui Quote of the Day: - being asked if he wanted some Italian bread for a sub – “Do I look Italian? F*ck the French!”
Do You Remember?:  Odd 1980’s Cereals – OJ’s Cereal, Rocky Road Cereal, Circus Fun, Ice Cream Cones, Nintendo Cereal
Photo of the Day: Wellfleet Harbor

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